Therapy for Anxiety
Online therapy for Arizona, Colorado, Florida, and New Mexico residents, with licensed therapist in Tucson, Jacob Gotwals, MA.
Anxiety can be a natural response to stress, danger, and uncertainty. Having some anxiety can be helpful in some situations; it can motivate us to prepare and act (like when it’s time to prepare for an exam or make a difficult decision). But too much anxiety, for too long, can become a problem.
Is anxiety stressing you out?
Have you been feeling overly anxious, tense, uneasy, or scared?
Has anxiety been affecting your body? Have you been sweating or trembling, with a racing heart or shortness of breath?
Has anxiety been affecting your thinking? Have you been worrying, overthinking things, catastrophizing (expecting the worst to happen), or having a hard time concentrating?
Has anxiety been affecting your behavior? Have you been avoiding situations and activities that trigger your anxiety? Has this been disrupting your work, school, or social life?
Anxiety can be related to:
ongoing, excessive worry about many issues, even when there's no apparent reason for concern (as in generalized anxiety disorder or GAD).
sudden, intense episodes of fear or panic, with physical symptoms like chest pain or a racing heart (as in panic disorder).
intense fear of others’ judgment in social situations, leading to avoidance or extreme discomfort in social interaction (as in social anxiety disorder).
excessive, irrational fear of specific objects, situations, or activities (for instance, heights, flying, or spiders) (as in phobias).
anxious thoughts (obsessions) that can lead to repetitive behaviors (compulsions) to reduce anxiety (as in obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD).
trauma, often with other symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, or hypervigilance (as in post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD).
insecurity in intimate relationships (as in an anxious attachment style).
fear of closeness and commitment in intimate relationships (as in an avoidant attachment style).
How I Can Help
Don't let anxiety reduce your quality of life or interfere with your ability to have healthy relationships and get things done! In therapy with me, we’ll work together to make sense of your anxiety, understand what's causing it, and make a plan for addressing it. Depending on what's causing your anxiety and your treatment preferences, there are a number of treatment approaches we may use to address your anxiety, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure and response prevention, mindfulness and relaxation training, EMDR therapy, and guided imagery.
I’m Jacob Gotwals, MA, a licensed professional counselor in Tucson.
I work by video with individuals and couples in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, and New Mexico. Looking for a male therapist?